‘Preaching water and drinking wine’?
UPON READING the news reports about Sen. Leila de Lima’s alleged unsavory involvement in drugs, the first thought that came to my mind was, “Preaching water and drinking wine”? But, of course, I also felt like Pontius Pilate when he asked Jesus: “What is true?”
This more than 2,000-year-old question continues to ring loud to this day. For the moment, there are no facts, only interpretations; so let’s be fair. For each logical conclusion, one needs facts.
The facts will come out during an investigation, for sure. If she is not guilty she will grow, because that which does not kill us makes us stronger. She is fighting for what she believes in, I respect that. He or she who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.
But in case she is guilty, what a shame! “Double-faced morality.” That’s why people have lost faith in politicians.
Let me end with a quote from one of my favorite writers and philosophers, Friedrich Nietzsche: “To live is to suffer; to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.”
—DR. JÜRGEN SCHÖFER, PhD, biopreparat.schoefer@gmail.com