GSIS bonuses, despite inaction
The Government Service Insurance System earned P93.5 billion for the year 2012 and because of this the Board of Trustees awarded themselves more than a million pesos each as bonus. Meanwhile, members like me are still waiting for the outcome of the review of the policies detrimental to members.
It has been more than two years since the GSIS replied to my letter-complaint, promising to apprise me of the results of the review of the unlawful and immoral policies initiated by the Arroyo administration. I am still waiting for that promise to be fulfilled.
The GSIS, in violation of the Edu-Plan Agreement, adopted the following policies:
• The policy on five-year prescription period on availment;
• The policy on ceiling payment of educational benefits; and
• The policy on nonpayment of summer classes.
These policies, in violation of what is clearly stipulated in the Edu-Plan Agreement, decreased the benefits due its members. According to the GSIS, these policies were necessary to regain the System’s financial stability. In other words, the members have to continue their sacrifice and suffer diminished benefits so that its current officials, appointees of President Aquino, will get to enjoy the same multimillion-peso bonuses, perks and privileges enjoyed by the previous Arroyo-appointed officials.
I thought this administration, which I regrettably voted into office, is different from the Arroyo administration. On second thought, this administration is indeed different; after all, the Arroyo administration did not profess to walk the daang matuwid.