Seizing the moment: Crafting our future
The arrest and transfer of former president Rodrigo Duterte to the International Criminal Court (ICC) should have been a defining moment for the Filipino people—a signal to break free from the ideological grip of Dutertism and its normalization of extrajudicial violence. Yet, instead of seizing this strategic opening, many remain politically inert, unable to recognize the broader implications of this unprecedented event.
The Dutertes and their allies were momentarily stunned by the sheer efficiency with which the Marcos administration executed what was once thought impossible—the political decapitation of Duterte and the imminent destruction of his stronghold. Now, their frantic attempts to appeal to the Supreme Court to reverse an irreversible international process are little more than symbolic gestures—sound and fury signifying nothing. These legal maneuvers are not true attempts at securing Duterte’s release but rather desperate efforts to manage the humiliation of losing a political war in a single, decisive battle. Chants of “Bring him home” appeal to the gallery, but not to the ICC.
Vice President Sara Duterte acknowledges that Rodrigo Duterte is no longer coming back. The local lawyers will no longer appear as counsels, perhaps to squarely put the onus of a conviction on paid foreign lawyers. That is a smart way of conserving the tattered prestige and the dwindling power and mobilizable funds of the Dutertes.
Duterte’s incarceration is not just a legal matter but a profound political shift. The machinery that once fueled Dutertism—fear, populist rhetoric, and unchecked power—is rapidly losing its potency. What remains is a dwindling, disillusioned base grasping for relevance. The once-mighty Duterte movement, built on a culture of impunity, finds itself unable to mobilize effectively. The financial and political capital that once sustained it is drying up and what follows may well be Duterte fatigue—a slow but inevitable exhaustion of public support for a figure who now appears more as a liability than an asset.
So why, then, are the fragmented anti-Duterte forces—those who champion democracy and constitutionalism, liberty and human rights, decency, and dignity for all—not making urgent moves to turn this strategic opening into a lasting political transformation? Why are they not starting multisectoral, multistakeholder conversations necessary to use the upcoming senatorial elections to consolidate this rare moment into a more durable pathway toward a Filipino future insulated against political dynasties, corruption, crime, impunity, and the gross exploitation of the people’s vulnerability, poverty, and powerlessness?
Where are the leaders who had basked in the warm glow of frenzied support as well as minor leaders who once inspired definable segments of the population? Do they not see it as their responsibility, having stood on public platforms, to now continue the campaign to find the Filipino soul? This is not the time for hesitation. The Duterte grip on power has been broken—what remains is the will to translate this moment into a movement.
Yes, it was President Marcos who created this opening. But he did not act in a vacuum—his move merely reflected the silent wishes of the Filipino majority, whose voices had long been drowned out by the noise and fake news manufactured by the Duterte machine. If we remain fixated on the evils associated with Mr. Marcos rather than recognizing the political opportunity before us, we risk squandering a golden chance for liberation—not just from Dutertism but from our timidity and inability to organize for collective action.
The upcoming senatorial elections are the battlefield where this moment can be translated into a resounding victory for leaders who truly serve the Filipino people. We know who they are—in our hearts, we recognize those who have consistently stood for justice, truth, and democracy. What is stopping us is the belief that they cannot win against the entrenched political elite. But this is a different moment. We can do this.
The Dutertes have fallen. The game has changed. The future is unwritten. Let’s vote our hearts in the upcoming senatorial elections.