Defend the family, no to divorce
Thank you for publishing the letter from Lella de Jesus (“Why pass divorce bill when the state already allows legal separation?” 5/30/24) on the adverse long-term effects of divorce.
Divorce can “cheapen” the goals of marriage which are for the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of children. Such goals necessitate the indissolubility and fruitfulness of marriage. The family, which is composed of husband, wife, and children, is the basic cell of society. Laws that harm the family will likewise harm society. Let us all work unselfishly toward nation-building.
Please legislate meaningful laws to make families happy with enough jobs, and food, and provide a healthy and peaceful environment.
God instituted marriage as a sacrament and no human being can tamper with divine law that is authored by God, for his own good. Man, a mere creature of the Creator, ought to obey and respect God’s laws that are designed for his happiness and well-being. The message is clear from the gospel reading the week when lawmakers were busy revising the divine law: “What God has joined together, no human being must separate” (Mark 10:9).
The divorce bill is an affront to God’s commandments. Please do not approve it and do not make it into a human law, contrary to God’s law.
Ching D. Aunario,