Focus on gut issues, not trolling
We are seeing a deluge of oftentimes uncouth exchanges on Twitter, Instagram, and the other social media platforms between and among the bunches of trolls favoring a candidate over another. Some of the language used is even unprintable. But rarely do we read from these exchanges a discussion on issues and the challenges their candidates will have to face once elected.
What is their candidate’s platform of government for the next six years on the following gut issues?
How will he/she solve unemployment (the Philippine Statistics Authority estimated it at 6.5 percent last November, or about 3.2 million unemployed Filipinos)?
What concrete measures will they undertake, if elected, to provide more jobs and not see an average of 1 million Filipinos leaving for abroad every year to look for greener pastures?
How will they bring down the mounting public debt—P11.92 trillion as of Sept. 30, 2021?
How will they accelerate our economic development and industrialization in the countryside where land and sea resources are untapped?
How will they get rid of the systemic graft in government offices where connivance happens in high places and in broad daylight as Senate inquiries have unearthed?
We expect the young and educated voters to at least find time to ferret out the truth amid the nearly pointless internet exchanges. After all, it’s their future that’s at stake. They should make the right and enlightened choice for their president.
Marvel K. Tan,