Visionaries worry about their legacy – not Duterte
Leaders with a mission and a vision worry about their legacy when they fade into the sunset. They want to be remembered for the good things they have done that have made a difference in the lives of their people. An example that easily comes to mind is Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew, whom his people, and the whole world for that matter, respect and honor to this day for having served his people well.
In the case of President Duterte, it seems he really doesn’t give a sh—t about any of that. He has in fact committed the gravest sin any leader could be guilty of: selling his country out. He is supposed to be surrounded by decent and intelligent people who could have easily cautioned him to go easy on his “garage sale” of our islands in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) to China, which is generously “paying” for them, alas, with money the Philippines will have to repay as nothing but a loan. And as its latest token of “appreciation,” China has promised Mr. Duterte “top priority” as soon as it finds the vaccine for COVID-19, so knock yourselves out.
It is absolutely untrue that Mr. Dutere could not do anything about China’s invasion and occupation of our territories in the WPS without provoking China to declare war against us. Other countries also with claims over parts of that huge sea expanse have vigorously opposed China’s island-grabbing spree without being attacked by that bully. The Philippines is perhaps the only country in this region that folds instantly at the first Chinese bluff.
So, will his rah-rah boys stand to defend him after he’s gone and when the time of reckoning comes? We are quite sure chief presidential legal counsel Salvador Panelo and presidential spokesperson Harry Roque, the ones at the forefront shilling all the nonsense that the Duterte regime is dishing out, would be the first to scamper for cover or plead for mercy: They were just “doing their jobs,” and, as in the Nuremberg trials, “just following orders” of a madman. They should be thrown in jail for treason, if no one else!
Ramon Norman Torrefranca