‘More sound and fury’ from Miriam recalled
Janno Marko Montecristo commented that what have been coming out of the mouth of Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago were “all sound and fury signifying nothing.” He pointed out that she claimed to have filed an “anti-epal” bill but nothing was heard from her afterwards (“Lady Miriam draws ‘guns’ vs road kings,” Opinion, 6/5/15).
Let me cite a similar case. After the great flood of Sept. 26, 2009, it was reported that Santiago would file a bill to address the problem of illegal constructions along natural waterways. As a nearby clogged creek was the cause of flooding in our area, I did not only get excited about that prospect, I was also hopeful of its outcome. I even relayed those feelings to her in my letter dated Oct. 20, 2009, saying: “We are heartened by your initiative to clear waterways to prevent/mitigate floodings. We know you have the political will to face the displeasure of those obstructing natural waterways for the common good.” Undoubtedly, thousands of other flood survivors had the same hopeful expectation.
Similarly, nothing was heard from Senator Santiago since then.
—CARLOS C. TAN, Philam Homes, Quezon City