Former enemies helping the Philippines an alliance to behold
A picture of US aircraft (Ospreys) landing on Japan’s big helicopter carrier Ise, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ship that was stationed in Leyte Gulf with relief goods for survivors of Supertyphoon “Yolanda,” is literally one for the books. During the last war, the United States and Japan were the worst of enemies. Now, they are working hand-in-hand nonstop to help Yolanda survivors cope with the disaster.
The ship was filled with relief goods. The US-Japan team is an example of how former enemies can be friends, forgetting the painful past and joining the task of helping a neighbor in need. What they are doing makes us all glad, for the Japanese pillaged our country during World War II, where many of our soldiers and civilians died.
All of us will remember and be thankful to our neighbors in the world who have nothing in mind but to be of help to us now.
We are a people of indomitable spirit. We have always been survivors. We will beat the odds. Our thanks to those helping us.