Apply the Golden Rule among PMA cadets
The death of Cadet Darwin Dormitorio wreaked havoc on the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine Military Academy (PMA). Senior officers of the PMA resigned due to command responsibility, and so another set of seniors officers are now assigned at the PMA. As in years past, regulations upon regulations will again be piled on top of the others in an effort to eliminate hazing.
There is, in fact, a new bill circulating in Congress to amend the now existing law against hazing. The truth of the matter is that these are the usual SOPs. Today, the cadet corps is well shaken. For the next several years, not a tinge of hazing will happen. But sad to say, I am afraid hazing will continue on its endless journey.
If the laws and regulations do not eliminate hazing, what can? This is my suggestion. Scrap the cadet’s honor code and replace it with the golden rule. Confucius said, “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.” The golden rule is something we value. It has been drilled upon us since grade school. It is in our culture. It is in our system. We all are familiar with it. It will do well for the cadets.
Muntinlupa City