Let’s bring forth the Christmas Spirit

At one time or another we may experience this: A person enters a place and immediately people there feel his/her presence, as if this person lit up the place with his/her energy. We commonly describe such a person as someone “in good spirits,” usually bearing a contagious smile. The opposite also happens: A person who may have woken up “on the wrong side of the bed” drains us of our energy.

There is a reason for this, and the latest science gives us the reason. All of creation is energy in vibration, quantum physicists say. Whether seen or unseen, whether it be nonphysical or physical, it vibrates. Our body vibrates; even supposedly inanimate and solid objects are in constant vibration. Even our thoughts and emotions are energy that carries certain vibrations, certain frequencies. The reader may google “Masaru Emoto” and check out his work that shows the effects of our thoughts and emotions on water. He shows how negative emotions such as fear and anger create ugly crystals and how positive emotions such as appreciation and love create beautiful crystals. He even shows how polluted water, when prayed over, becomes clean and forms beautiful crystals!

Science further informs us that negative emotions are of slow vibrations (low frequencies), while positive emotions vibrate fast (higher frequencies).

A very important lesson from science is that like frequencies attract same frequencies. As vibratory beings, therefore, living within a universe that is in constant vibration, our thoughts and emotions summon the same types of energy. It is just like when you set your radio’s dial on a certain frequency, you get the signal, or radio station, on that same frequency. But our body acts as both a transmitter and a receiver. Transmit low frequencies and you attract low frequencies. Transmit the higher frequencies of joy, of appreciation, of love and the same types of energy come your way.

We all notice that during the Christmas season, the feeling, the air, is more light—people are happier, peaceful and more loving. It is perhaps because during this season we become more conscious of being one in Spirit and therefore we wish each other well, and in so doing, transmit and receive positive vibrations.

But during this season, there seems to be a societal strangulation of Spirit, what with the open reign of brutality, of fascism and the anger and hatred it spawns. It is easy to get caught up in these lowest of low vibrations by condemning and hating perpetrators, or even by taking sides and passing judgement on who ultimately is at fault.

While we operate in the lower frequencies we are unconscious of our indwelling and transcendent Spirit. We have a choice, though: We can consciously substitute the negative, lower-frequency-bearing thoughts and emotions for positive, higher-frequency-bearing thoughts and emotions. We owe it to ourselves foremost, to align with and experience Spirit. In so doing, we emit and attract the same vibrations that are inherent but perhaps lie squelched in every person, no matter what they may manifest externally at the moment.

Philip S. Ycasiano is HR director of the Philippine Columbian Association.