Root of US fiscal woes

This is in reaction to the column of Prof. Randy David, “The humbling of America.”

(Inquirer, 8/6/11) As a resident of North America (Arctic), I confirm what his younger brother told him.

The spirit that pervades North America is crass materialism. All sorts of come-ons and incentives are offered to consumers and among North Americans, prudent budgeting and prudent spending are strange words. Whether they can afford to pay or not is not an issue. The bottom line is: spend, spend, spend!

When I was new in Canada, the first time I went shopping I was shocked: shoppers were not paying in cash but through plastic cards. I paid my groceries in cash. The clerk looked at me quizzically and asked why? She called the store manager to “investigate.” Because I was paying in cash for purchases worth more than $100, they suspected I was engaged in illicit drug trade. I had to explain to the manager that I was a recent arrival, and the money I was paying was part of my settlement fund that Canada’s immigration required.

Yes, America is humbled. On the other hand, I feel vindicated. Way back in the ‘90s, I said that if the United States kept on creating wars in foreign lands to satiate the military-defense industries’ greed for money, it wouldn’t take long for their economy to go under.