Karapatan still living in heartless fantasy world

This letter refers to the statement of a human rights group on the Sept. 2 Davao bombing which killed 14 innocent civilians and injured more than 60 others. Cristina Palabay of Karapatan accused the US government and the Philippine military of having a role in the bombing. This wild conspiracy theory is not helping the nation cope with the situation and solve the case.

Palabay and company must still be living in a heartless fantasy world. They are again concocting stories just to ruin the image of the Philippine military. And where on earth did they get the idea of the United States’ involvement in the bombing?

It is clear: Karapatan is just exploiting the situation. Feigning “concern” for the bombing victims and their families, its real, dark intent is to call public attention to itself to gain political mileage and to malign government by fabricating stories.

I have noticed that when it is the cops and soldiers who are killed, we do not hear any statements from Palabay and her caboodle—that is, statements condemning the atrocities.

I am a human rights advocate, but I do not use people and incidents like the Davao bombing or falsities just to destroy individuals or institutions.

Palabay and the people behind Karapatan have no conscience. They use other people’s personal grief to promote their own selfish interest.

To Palabay and Karapatan, if you cannot do anything good, just don’t say anything. You are not helping, you are adding to the burden of the people and the tragedy.

