If I were PH president …

  1. I will be humble in victory, always mindful that the people elected me as their servant, not lord and master.
  2. I will choose for members of my Cabinet women and men of probity, imbued with competence, practical wisdom and a strong sense of independence.
  3. I will pick for members of my Cabinet some from among my former political rivals, fully bearing in mind that I do not have a monopoly of love of country.
  4. I will be wary of tapping my kadormitoryo, kababayan and kaibigan, never forgetting that Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, was His friend.
  5. I will respect the sanctity of life and will not snuff it out unless in self-defense or in accordance with due process.
  6. I will ensure that my legacy as president will not be remembered by the number of drug users summarily killed, but by the number of drug dependents brought back to a healthy lifestyle.
  7. I will deal with diplomats and ambassadors of other countries with respect and decorum, and never act like an international bully.
  8. I will “speak my truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, (for) even the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story” (“Desiderata”).
  9. I will not shame and blame those who criticize me, and I would be ready to eat my pride anytime, after all, pride has no cholesterol.
  10. I will be slow in making promises (like an immediate increase in soldiers’ salaries), which could cost me my credibility.
  11. All the days of my administration, I will endeavor to be guided by Corinthians 13: 4-7: “Love is long-suffering, love is kind, and is not envious; love does not brag; it is not conceited; it is not ill-mannered; it is not self-seeking; it is not irritable, it takes no note of injury; it is not glad when injustice triumphs; it is glad when truth prevails. Always it is ready to make allowances; always to trust; always to hope, always to be patient.” (Kleist-Lilly translation).
  12. Finally, I will be mindful of the Lord’s warning: “Those who kill by the sword will die by the sword” (Matt. 26:52).

—CARLOS D. ISLES, carlosisles@gmail.com