ROTC good for our young to make patriotic breed of Filipinos
There is an ongoing conversation—or shall I say “debate”?—on reviving the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) as a mandatory subject in college courses. Some are in favor and some are against.
The idea, which President Duterte has broached early in his presidency, is a good one. ROTC will definitely benefit young Filipinos. To be sure, ROTC will teach them patriotism. It will inculcate in their minds and hearts a deep love for our country. It will condition and mold them into being disciplined and respectful. My two sons and my daughter chose ROTC during their college years; I am very proud of them for that decision of theirs and what they have become. They now teach their own children (my grandchildren) to love our country, to be proud Filipinos and to respect the flag.
The basic military training taught in ROTC will also teach and help ROTC cadets to understand and appreciate our soldiers, their sacrifices for our country, why they chose to devotedly serve our motherland and to offer and risk their own lives to defend us and keep us safe.
I think there is nothing wrong about reviving ROTC as a mandatory college subject, like it is in many other countries. In South Korea, even celebrities are required to undergo military training. I am amazed at the Koreans’ sense of patriotism.
Sometimes, I feel quite disappointed when I see young Filipinos not giving our flag and national anthem due respect.
I feel quite disappointed with what is happening to our young today when it comes to love of country.
But I believe that our youth are still the “pag-asa ng bayan.” And I believe that reviving the mandatory ROTC will make a difference; it will change their perspective of what a nation should be and of patriotism. I also believe that through ROTC our youth will stay away from such vices as illegal drugs.
I hope the government will strongly push for the restoration of mandatory ROTC, and I am hoping this will make our youth as patriotic like our heroes who fought and died for our beloved country.