A kibitzer commented, “Why didn’t MMDA act on ‘choke points’ before?” (Opinion, 07/19/16).
The reference to a “lofty” idea of cable cars in the sky for Metro Manila’s transport woes could be deemed inappropriate—to say the least—considering the commuter capacities Metro Manila requires and the differing topographies of La Paz, Bolivia, and Manila.
Likewise, the reference to the “77 Metro ‘choke points’ identified by MMDA” (News, 07/07/16) as being already a “solution” of our traffic nightmare is farfetched.
The reality that the Metro Manila commuters must confront is that the cure/solution—even with competent engineering—would not occur in the six-year Duterte presidency. But meaningful relief can be achieved.
On the “3Es” of transport management—i.e., engineering, education enforcement, the solutions required involve the engineering aspect which originates from competent engineering studies and the execution of the structures required. The relief that could result from education of all concerned (commuters, carriers and enforcers) and strict enforcement of laws would certainly provide some relief—but would be insignificant.
—ALFREDO V. ASUNCION, avasuncion@hotmail.com