For every stone, a true hero
What a great show of protest! Last Sunday, protestors (#bawatbato movement) of the planned burial of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos, almost three decades dead, at the Libingan ng mga Bayani trooped to the site supposedly reserved for him. There, one by one, they placed stones with the names of individual heroes and martyrs who lived and died fighting for the restoration of freedom.
They were in the thousands, these heroes and martyrs, known and unknown: farmers, workers, writers, lawyers, priests, nuns, bishops, teachers, health workers, students, politicians, public servants, intellectuals, men and women who took up arms. Many of their names are etched on the granite Wall of Remembrance at the Bantayog ng mga Bayani in Quezon City. As my own act of protest, I list here the names of the 268 (as of 2015) on The Wall, even as more will be added in the coming years.
ACEBEDO, Norberto H. Jr. ACEBEDO, Roy Lorenzo H. AGATEP, Zacarias AGUILAR, Zorro C. AGUIRRE, Danilo M. ALCANTARA, Jose ALEGRE, William D. ALEJANDRO, Leandro L. ALINGAL, Godofredo B. ALTO, Leo C. ALVAREZ, Amada E. ALVAREZ, Emmanuel I. ALVAREZ, Marsman T. AMATONG, Jacobo S. ANDAL, Reynante C. ANDRES, Trifonio AQUINO, Benigno S. Jr. AQUINO, Corazon C. AQUINO, Jeremias A. ARCE, Merardo T. ARCE, Santiago ARCEO, Ferdinand M. ARIADO, Antonio G. ARMEA, Juliet C. ASUNCION, Filomena G. ATIENZA, Monico M. BAES, Aloysius U. BALANDO, Elsa BALCE, Floro E. BARROS, Ma. Lorena M. BAUTISTA, Manuel C. BEGG, William Vincent A. BELONE, Alexander A. BELORIA, Vicente L. BELTRAN, Crispin BERNARDO, Pepito V. BLAS, Catalino D. BONTIA, Evella V. BORLONGAN, Edwin G. BROCKA, Catalino O. BUCAG, Renato L. BUENO, David T. BUGAY, Amado G. BURGOS, Jose G. Jr. CABARUBIAS, Tranquilino CABRERA, Claro CAILING, Crisostomo CALDERON, Jose R., Jr.CALIXTO, Leopoldo Y., Jr. CARIÑO, Jennifer K. CASTRO, Rolando M. CATALLA, Cristina F. CELESTIAL, Artemio S., Jr. CHECA, Jorge CHUA, William T. CHUIDIAN, Mary Consuelo CLARETE, Ronillo Noel M. CLIMACO, Cesar CONCEPCION, Roberto R. CONSTANTINO, Renato CONTI, Mary Concepcion CORTES, Ellecer E. CORTEZ, Delia R. CRISMO, Romeo G. CUPINO, Edgardo R. DAPOG, Eliseo G. DAYANAN, Michael DE GUZMAN, Lucio P. DE JESUS, Jeremias S. DEHERAN, Pepito L. DEL ROSARIO, Carlos B. DEL ROSARIO, Nimfa B. DELA FUENTE, Edward L. DELA PAZ, Remberto DEMIGILIO, Rodney A. DEVERATURDA, Dennis Rolando R. DIMARANAN, Mariani C., SFIC DINGCONG, Demosthenes DIOKNO, Jose W. DOMINGO, Silme G. DULAG, Macli’ing DUNGOC, Pedro Sr. ENRIQUEZ, Albert R. ESCANDOR, Juan B. ESPERON, Fernando T. ESPINAS, Alberto T. EVANGELIO, Ronilo T. FAUSTINO, Gerardo T. FAVALI, Tullio FEDERIS, Rolando M. FERNANDEZ, Jesus F. FERNANDEZ, Resteta A. FLORES, Ceferino A. Jr. FORTICH, Antonio Y. FRANCISCO, Oscar D. FRANCO, Rovena T. GABRIEL, Luis I. GALACE, Arthur E. GALANG-REYES, Rosalinda GARCIA, Enrique Voltaire R., Jr. GARDUCE-LAGMAN, Lourdes GAVANZO, Ceasar Jr. GILLEGO, Bonifacio H. GLOR, Melito T. GONZAGA, Mary Virginia GONZALES, Nicanor R., Jr. GREY, Eugene C. GUEVARRA, Rogelio HICARO, Cesar E. HILAO, Liliosa, R. HILARIO, Antonio M. HIZON, Manuel L. Jr. HOLLERO, Manolo J. ILAGAN, Laurente C. ILAGAN, Rizalina P. IPONG, Inocencio T. JALLORES, Romulo JARAVELLO, Juvelyn JASUL, Alfredo V. JASUL, Ramon V. JAVIER, Evelio B. JIMENEZ, Ester M. JIMENEZ, Mary Bernard JOPSON, Edgar Gil M. JUCO, Estelita G. LABATOS, Alex D. LACABA, Emmanuel F. LACBAO, Ernesto D. LADLAD, Ma. Leticia Pascual LAGARTEJA, Elmer LAGMAN, Hermon C. LAGUERDER, Edwin C. LANDRITO, Vergel E. LANSANG, Lorenzo C. LANZONA, Eduardo E. LAPE, Angelina M. LAURELLA, Francisco C. LAZO, Emmanuel L. LEAÑO, Salvador F. LEGISLADOR, Edmundo R. LINGAD, Jose B. LLORENTE, Teresita E. LOCANILAO, Norberto S. LONTOK, Bayani P. LOPEZ, Mariano M. LORCA, Napoleon P. LORCA, Rolando P. LORETO, Mary Catherine LUCMAN, Haroun Al Rashid LUNAS, Ruben M. MAGLANTAY, Rizaldy Jesus M. MAGPANTAY, Aurelio D. MAHINAY, Julieto MAHINAY, Rodolfo C. MALAY, Armando J. MALAY, Paula Carolina S. MALICAY, Alfredo L. MANAOG, Rodelo Z. MANGLAPUS, Raul S. MANIMBO, Renato T. MARCOS, Ma. Violeta AMP MARTINEZ, Asuncion C., ICM MEDINA, Constantino R. MEGALLEN, Rogelio S., Jr. MENDOZA, Alfredo L. MENDOZA, Armando L. MERCADO, La Verne D. MESINA, Pastor R. MIJARES, Antonio S. MIRABUENO, Vicente A. MOLINTAS, Wright M. Jr. MONARES, Claro S. MONDEJAR, Ma. Luz U. MONTEALTO, Rodolfo T. MORALES, Horacio R., Jr. MORALES, Nicasio M. MORALES, Rogelio C. MORDENO, Rodrigo MUÑOZ-PALMA, Cecilia OBISPO, Immanuel M. OLALIA, Felixberto Sr. OLALIA, Rolando M. OLIVAR, Mateo ONGPIN, Jaime V. ONTONG, Manuel F. ORCULLO, Alexander L. ORDONEZ, Sedfrey A. ORNOPIA, Aniano C. OROT, Nenita T. ORTIGAS, Gaston Z. ORTIGAS, Virgil M. ORTIZ, Pacifico A., S.J. OSORIO, Magnifico L. PADUANO, Joji S. PALABAY, Armando D. PALABAY, Romulo D. PAR, Ma. Socorro B. PASETES, Benedicto M. PASTOR, Fernando T., Sr. PEDRO, Purificacion A. PEÑA, Jacinto D. PEREZ, Dante D. PESQUESA, Florencio S. PETALCORIN, Raymundo O. PONCE, Rodrigo Jr. PRUDENTE, Nemesio E. PURUGGANAN, Miguel C. QUIMPO, Ishmael F., Jr. QUIMPO, Ronald Jan F. QUINTERO, Eduardo T. RAGRAGIO, Clemente P. RESABAL-KINTANAR Ester RESUS, Arnulfo A. REYES, Cecilio A. REYES, Jose B.L. REYES, Victor D. RIGOS, Cirilo A. ROBLES, Reynaldo L. ROCES, Joaquin P. RODRIGO, Francisco A. ROMANO, Rosaleo B., C.Ss.R. ROQUE, Magtanggol S. ROXAS, Sofronio P. SALAC, Roberto C.SALES, Jessica M. SALILI, Edgardo G. SALVADOR, Soledad N. SANCHEZ, Augusto S. SANTOS, Antero G. SARMIENTO, Abraham P., Jr. SILVA, Lazaro P. SIN, Jaime L. Cardinal SISON, Modesto C. SISON, Teresito D. SOLANA, Nicolas M., Jr. STA. ANA, Ronilo J. SUAREZ, Juanito S., Jr. SUMILANG, Michael J. SUYAT, Benjamen TACA, Arturo M. TAGAMOLILA, Antonio S. TAGAMOLILA, Crispin S. TAN, Manuel L. TAN, Mary Christine L., R.G.S. TAÑADA, Lorenzo M. TAOJO, Romraflo S. TAYAG, Carlos N. TEEHANKEE, Claudio TEJONES, Caesar T. TIERRA, Noel C. TIGLAO, Raquel A. Edralin TORRES, Alex G. TORRES, Amanteflor A. UMALI, Ysmael G. VALCOS, Danilo C., Jr. VALENZUELA, Teofilo B. VALERIO, Nilo Christopher Jr. VELEZ, Jose Mari U. VIERNES, Gene A. VILLACILLO, Venerando VILLANUEVA, Marcelino M. VYTIACO, Ma. Antonia Teresa V. YAP, Emmanuel D.R. YBAÑEZ, Rolan Y. YORAC, Haydee B. YUYITUNG, Quintin G. YUYITUNG, Rizal C.K. ZALDIVAR, Calixto O.
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