WATCHING on TV the five presidential candidates in a so-called debate, one could see how unwell and unenergetic one of them was (is). There are big, big tasks ahead for the next president, starting July 1, 2016. No way could a sickly president run our country. That leaves us with four candidates.
A president must be presidential. An uncouth president will be an embarrassment for the country. That leaves us three.
Being forthright especially while under attack for corruption makes a good president. Also, not imposing one’s family members on the country would be highly desirable. That leaves us two.
Managing a family well or running a committee effectively is so very unlike running a country successfully. Even business corporations require their executives to be experienced in running a department or a business. That leaves us one candidate.
But must he be smiling all the time? So unnatural, so insincere. Even the way he talks is condescendingly designed to impress.
So, who to vote for come May 2016? Help!
—RICHARD G. KEELER, Ibañez Street, San Juan City