30 years since, Inquirer still a crusading newspaper

LET ME honor the Philippine Daily Inquirer for its 30 fruitful years of accomplishments. In 1985, only a few had the courage to put up a real newspaper for fear of reprisal from the Marcos regime. The Philippine Daily Inquirer came about during those dark years as a voice of the Filipino people. It was and still is a crusading newspaper with its commitment to truth, freedom and democracy.

Over the years, the Inquirer has kept many Filipinos informed with its “balanced news and fearless views.” Moving forward, I am confident that it will remain devoted to truth, get to the bottom of truth and print it at all costs.

May I thank the Inquirer for inviting me and my wife Lalaine Jarabe Tamayo to its 30th anniversary celebration.


—REGINALD B. TAMAYO, assistant city council secretary, Marikina City, reginaldtamayo@yahoo.com