Roxas’s delusions about progress stem from Aquino’s
MAR ROXAS said solving the traffic problem and rehabilitating the mass transport system could not be done overnight (“Roxas to commuters caught in traffic: ‘I know the frustration,’”, 11/25/15). In other news reports, he is also said to have made claims that traffic in the Philippines was something good as it is a sign of progress.
Roxas does know how to spin a story, but trying to make Filipinos feel good about their frustrations with traffic is, to be sure, quite a stretch.
If this is how Roxas would be as president, celebrating government failures, then Filipinos who are inclined to vote for him should think again. Like President Aquino, Roxas could be turning delusional, living in a country completely different from the world of struggling, long-suffering ordinary Filipinos.
Article continues after this advertisementThese two men are so completely detached from reality that they ignore and have neglected to address effectively even the most pressing basic problems present-day Filipinos are grappling with from day to day.
Mr. Aquino, the man who endorsed Roxas to be the next president, likes to boast that the Philippine economy is going great guns, when in fact only the rich are benefiting from it while the poor remain poor, or have become even poorer.
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