HPG should be more cautious in its statements

Days ago, I read an item in the newspapers that attributed a disturbing statement to a top brass of the Highway Patrol Group.

He reportedly told media that in order to minimize “kotong” by some traffic cops, he would rather that traffic enforcers simply issue traffic violation tickets to erring drivers without explaining. That simplistic formula would not stop corruption in the ranks of traffic cops. More worrisome, it would violate the right of drivers and car-owners to know why they are being ticketed.

If drivers are made aware of the infractions of specific traffic regulations, very likely they would understand more readily why they are being ticketed. And, thereafter, they would more consciously follow traffic rules and regulations, not only for their own good but also for the benefit of the motoring public in general.

I hope that our police officers would be a little more cautious in their pronouncements to assure the people that indeed they are there to ensure proper maintenance of law and order.