Victory comes with God’s help

I make sure to read Emily Marcelo’s column, “Emily’s Post,” each time it appears in the Inquirer for I find her answers to her letter-senders intelligent and sensible and, most often, “down to earth.”

However, I would like to react to her Aug. 2 column. There, she gave her advice to a gay who, after being “born again” and turning religious, was able to stop dating men. However, he said he is still bothered by desires to give in to men who come his way. He wanted to know if there is something wrong with his being gay or if he needs professional help. Marcelo counseled him to enjoy his sexuality, to fall in love, for life is too short to be unhappy. And not to allow “goody two-shoes” and “holier than thou” to make his life painful.

I am glad that Marcelo is aware that life is too short for us to be unhappy, and I agree with her. But to be happy in doing what you know is morally right and pleasing to God is a better choice than being happy doing otherwise. If life is too short, the best we can all do is to prepare for an eternal life with God. There will always be temptations but we can, with God’s help and with our faith in Him, come out victorious. This is what life really is all about.

To Deen, the letter-sender, continue with your newfound faith in God. Seek more of His ways and be happy doing His will. Direct your attention and affection to other worthwhile causes and advocacies. There are many needy people out there who can be recipients of your time.

—THERESA PILI-NISPEROS, Gagalangin, Tondo, Manila