SC’s ‘sick mockery of the Constitution’
“Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno … emphasized strict adherence to the Constitution, noting how certain ‘discussions’ in other government branches and other sectors of society seem to be overlooking this fact” (“Sereno: Take Constitution seriously,” News, 6/13/15).
We cannot help but think aloud: Look who’s talking? The Supreme Court itself does not really take the Constitution seriously! Sec. 15 (1) of the current Constitution provides in no uncertain terms: “All cases or matters filed after the effectivity of this Constitution must be decided or resolved within twenty-four months… for the Supreme Court… twelve months for all lower collegiate courts, and three months for all other lower courts.” The use of the word “must,” to the great majority of the people (nonlawyers) who “ratified the Constitution,” simply means just that—“must,” not “may be”! There is no room for interpreting or spinning it any other way.
Dear honorable justices, it is a sovereign order, not a suggestion!
Alas, the Supreme Court is the most blatant and notorious violator of this constitutional mandate. In a commentary, no less than former Commission on Audit commissioner Bartolome C. Fernandez Jr. made this point (“What about the Supreme Court?”, Opinion, 5/9/13). And what further evidence of that fact is there than the long wait litigants still have to endure from five to 10 years before the Supreme Court resolves matters with finality?!
Only cases on which media attention is focused get disposed of more speedily. They mostly involve VIPs with strong influence or “purse power” to make their cases move faster. The others just have to wait much longer until the justices concerned find the mood—and the conscience to realize what a sick mockery they have made of the Constitution! “Justice delayed is justice denied” and erodes the very foundation of our justice system.