Miriam needs support of colleagues, public

Letters from Janno Mark Montecristo (“Lady Miriam draws ‘guns’ vs road kings,” Opinion, 6/5/15) and Carlos Tan (“‘More sound and fury’ from Miriam recalled,” Opinion, 6/17/15) highlight how inadequately informed some Filipinos are with regard to the legislative process, and how hastily they make conclusions, their ignorance notwithstanding.

Montecristo and Tan accuse Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago of ningas-cogon when it comes to filing bills, based on observations that some of the senator’s bills have yet to be passed. Through simple online search, Montecristo and Tan would have found out that Santiago has time and again followed up on proposed measures, lamenting that they are languishing at the committees they have been referred to.

After a bill is filed, it has to go through committee deliberations. This means that the committee chair, not necessarily the author of the bill, should act on it. Only after a bill hurdles the committee level will it enter a period of interpellation, amendments and final voting. Montecristo and Tan should read up on the legislative process before criticizing legislators, lest they continue to embarrass themselves.

Would they prefer that Santiago stop filing bills? I figure not. If they believe that the bills Santiago files—including the proposed Jeepney Terminals and Stops Act—are relevant, they should rally support for these bills to put pressure on the committee chairs to act on them. Santiago cannot by herself pass a law. She needs the support of other senators, congressmen and the public.

—CHASE CUSTODIO, chasecustodio@gmail.com