Easter reminds faithful of fight vs corruption
EASTER SUNDAY, when Christians relive the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, also reminds the faithful to never waiver in the pursuit of transparency and accountability in government given the corrupt culture and practices that continue to plague government to this day. The Promotion of Church People’s Response calls on church people to heed this reminder.
We thus decry the appalling, callous efforts of the Aquino administration to circumvent the law by justifying its own pork barrel in the face of rising poverty. It claims that the presidential pork, specifically the Disbursement Acceleration Program, is specifically intended to boost the nation’s economy. It has been observed, however, that all the economic growth it is trumpeting has made little dent on the worsening poverty tormenting millions of Filipinos day in, day out.
President Aquino insists on the pork barrel system despite public clamor to abolish it and the Supreme Court’s decision declaring it unconstitutional. His pigheadedness will benefit most only his kamag-anak, kaklase at kabarilan (relatives, classmates and fellow gun buddies).
It is not hate that fuels legitimate criticisms against President Aquino (as he imagines and would like the public to believe) but a deeper love for justice and for the poor. It is also the current state of the nation, where activists are silenced, dissent is suppressed and thousands of Filipinos are displaced (by means of various schemes like Oplan Bayanihan and an all-out war in Mindanao)—with impunity.
The Easter experience reminds us again to do away with sin. Heed the call for repentance and be like Christ in serving the poor and marginalized. Carry the burden and take up the cudgels against corruption and injustices so that one day, soon, the resurrection of a blessed life will be experienced by all.
—NARDY SABINO, secretary general, Promotion of Church People’s Response, pcprnatl@gmail.com