Of what use then is the ‘Bangsamoro peace process’?
In the Jan. 18 issue of the Inquirer, we read about the bloody demonstrations in Niger and Pakistan as “Muslims vented fury over a new Prophet Mohammad cartoon published by French Magazine Charlie Hebdo” (“Charlie Hebdo demos turn bloody,” The World). Considering that there are about 1.6 billion Muslims around the globe, we are certain that scene will be replicated in many parts in the days to come.
It is already simmering to a boil and soon enough all hell is going to break loose. We saw that happen many times before.
What has really puzzled us no end is why Muslims are getting more terribly upset with mere caricatures or “offensive literature” against Islam than with their fellow Muslims shouting, “For the glory of Allah,” right before blowing up innocent civilians in crowded public places! Is the pen smear a greater insult to their faith than the unspeakable outrage that portrays Islam as a religion of hate? Shouldn’t they be demonstrating more passionately against Islamist schmucks who use Islam as their excuse to commit murder and mayhem, instead of just paying lip service to Islam as a religion of love, compassion, tolerance, humility, blah, blah, blah?
In the Philippine setting, we see the same kind of blatant hypocrisy. Our local Muslims are very sensitive to and get so easily offended by mere statements or utterances against their religion. But when Muslim extremists like the Abu Sayyaf Group and the Jemaah Islamiyah go on kidnapping sprees for ransom “in the name of Allah,” their silence is deafening. Take the Mindanao Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).
It is supposed to be the voice and the conscience of most peace-loving Muslims in Mindanao, which is why the Philippine government is dealing only with it for a peaceful resolution of decades-old issues with them. Instead of going after wayward Muslims who use Islam as their excuse for brigandage and banditry, all it is ever willing to do is to “help negotiate” for the release of victims—of course, after payment of the ransom! Drawing from such experience, our guess about its motive and agenda is as good as that of anyone with just a modicum of common sense. And by the way, if the MILF to date has not shown the slightest inclination to wipe out those Muslim trouble-makers under its very nose, of what use is the “Bangsamoro peace process”?