A pipe dream without God’s intervention

Would there still be any need for courts to settle criminal, civil and political disputes if people the world over love one another as God mandates? Would anyone still think of hurting, deceiving, cheating or exploiting a fellow human being?

Would we still have any need for the police and the military? Of course, not! The police won’t have any more law breakers to arrest. The military won’t have any more rebellion to quell or foreign invaders to repel!

Would we still have any need for governments? Governments are indispensable—to provide leadership, to collect taxes for salaries, social services and for infrastructure projects; for regulating business and the practice of professions. But this time they will be run by God-fearing people who will always put the interest of the public they are sworn to serve above their own personal interest.

Hospitals and schools, too, will be guided by the principle of brotherly love and compassion.

Congress will enact laws that are truly just and humane. And people will obey these laws as they obey their loving and caring parents.

At long last, there will be law and order, peace and contentment in the world. The misery, oppression and injustice man has been experiencing since time immemorial will be a thing of the past.

Jesus Christ said that if people love one another, therein is the love of God perfected. For God is love and whoever loves his neighbor loves Him.

Very sadly, God even repented having created man because “every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time” (Genesis 6:5-6). Undoubtedly, our fallen nature is the root cause of all our troubles. No matter how hard we try to reform ourselves, our best effort will be unavailing. Man is incapable of changing his own nature. Only God, our creator can change our heart, mind and soul. It is high time for all men to storm heaven with prayers. We must now put on sack clothes, pray and beg for forgiveness so that God in His tender, loving mercies will no longer look upon our sins but only upon the faith of His children.

Unless there is divine intervention in all our human affairs, wars of

aggression, the violence of murderers, kidnappers and drug traffickers, including the insatiable greed of the powers-that-be in and outside of government, will remain, as they have

always, a pipe dream of men of faith and social reformers.


For the Love of God

Catholic Preaching

and Feeding Ministry,

South Cembo, Makati City