Calling all those born in 1940!
In 2015, we will celebrate our 75th birth anniversary—our Diamond Jubilee! God has been generous to us by blessing us with a lifetime beyond the “three scores and ten” cited in the Bible. Throughout it all, we have reached a ripe old age and many of us have used “God-given talents” from which we have benefited much.
As we celebrate our Diamond Jubilee, we are afforded still the opportunity to share our bounty with our fellowmen. Let’s do it while we still can and still have the time! Let us make 2015, our Diamond Jubilee, a bountiful year for ourselves spiritually and for our fellowmen, especially those who are most in need of our help.
God’s greatest commandment is “love thy neighbor.” On judgment day God will ask us for an accounting of our life on earth. Only those who have loved their neighbors shall enter Heaven. In Jesus’ words, what you do to the least of our brethren—the poor, the sick, the infirm, those in prison, etc.—you do unto Him. There is a multitude of them right in our midst. When we put our hearts into doing good works, our harvest will be bountiful.
If you are 1940-born and wish to leave a legacy, or do more to enhance it, please contact me.