Post office still crooked on ‘tuwid na daan’

Last October, I received a greeting card airmailed to me by my son in Australia. It appears to have been tampered. One side of the envelope is slit/cut and it is obvious that the contents have been examined. The post office’s staff never even bothered to explain why this was so. It appears that such vandalism is officially sanctioned. I’ve experienced this many times before.

This has been going on for years. What’s going on? When will this vandalism stop?

What gives post office people the right to look into the privacy of mails?

Mr. President, Mr. and Ms Senator, Mr. Congressman and Ms Congresswoman, all of you who are shouting your mouths off in Congress and yet are not doing anything to stop this barbaric act, shame on you, government officials!


Fairview, Quezon City