I have sent several messages to the Office of the President, including our reactions on issues that interest members of NGO- Fil-Am Fil-Can Alliance, the flagship of land- and sea-based Filipino workers abroad. They are paying taxes on properties and on earnings from businesses in the Philippines, aside from sending to the country a total of $23 billion or even more, thus helping prop up and improve the country’s economy. But the only response we have been “privileged” to receive so far is: “Sorry, your message can’t be delivered or sent to op@president.gov. ph.
Up here, all messages we have sent to the US president and Canada’s prime minister reached their addressees and each has been honored without fail with a prompt acknowledgement, even accompanied by expressions of thanks for telling them about our concerns.
In Malacañang, our messages are simply ignored. It seems Malacañang refuses to see or read the messages we send to President Aquino. Is this the way Malacañang establishes a bond with the public?