Filipino leftists, HK students

The determination with which young prodemocracy activists in Hong Kong have shown to fight the imperialism of mainland China is intriguing (The World, 10/15/14). They obviously want none of their motherland’s regime of dictatorship (and the oppression and suppression that naturally go with it). Against all odds and all the firepower arrayed to stop them dead in their tracks, they continue pressing on. There ticks a time bomb ready to explode anytime. Massacre awaits the demonstrators, not entirely unlike the Tiananmen Square debacle that triggered worldwide condemnation of Beijing 25 years ago.

On the local scene, the same determination is seen among our young activists and jaded militants—to fight US imperialism. Against all odds, they are unwavering in their demonstration of disgust over what they perceive as American intervention in purely domestic affairs. Sometimes lying in the middle of the street (planking before TV cameras), they seem willing to lay down their lives, too, and shed blood for “love of country.”

Yet, an imminent danger to the country’s security and sovereignty, far more egregious than US imperialism, is staring them in the face: communist China’s blatant naval invasion and ongoing forays into our western seas. And all the Philippine naval defense “force” can do is hope and pray that the Chinese would continue keeping their distance (lest they get infected with tetanus from any contact with our rusty ships?). Other than that, all we really can do is rely on world opinion. (There is hardly any doubt that American military “presence” in the country has helped “contain the highly volatile situation” and keep the bully at bay, in the same manner that China’s propping of North Korea has helped the latter attain an unarguably high degree of “untouchability.”) But seriously, do we see our testosterone-overloaded student activists and militants gathering around the Chinese Embassy to denounce Beijing? Well, yes, once in a blue moon, they do come out and storm its gates with protests—on Facebook!


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