One good deed a day to make a better country

Dennis Murphy’s article titled “Battling hopelessness” (Opinion, 9/10/14) highlighted poverty, unemployment and corruption. These are just some of the serious problems our country is facing.

Murphy presented a lot of problems that many of us suffer from: homelessness, unemployment and poverty. But as I can see it, government has not done enough to solve them. There are many people who work hard to earn a living but still their income is not enough to support their families. And some can’t even find a decent job. I believe that there is enough food for everyone, but the sharing of resources, particularly natural resources, is the problem. Many would just like to get as much wealth as they could—by any means, even at the expense of others’ wellbeing.

I am firmly convinced that we wouldn’t be facing poverty if only all our government officials think of what is good for all Filipinos. Why should they repair roads that are still in good condition and not build houses for supertyphoon “Yolanda” (international name: Haiyan) victims instead? Many of them are still homeless, and have been so for almost a year now.

Why is there an increase in number of unemployed Filipinos?

We should do something to solve poverty and unemployment so that corruption will be lessened if not totally eradicated. In order for this to happen, we need to work together. Yes, like Murphy, I would like to see the young generation actively involved in solving these problems. I’m too young to handle issues; and I think the best I can do for now is by participating in “Bahaginan” (a project of our school through which we can donate especially to those in need), hoping that doing so will make not only me and those involved but also the many people benefiting from this undertaking feel much better. We can solve problems by doing one good deed a day, and the next thing we know, we are already making our country a better one.


Grade 7 student,

St. Bridget School Quezon City