Proud moment at PMA

Graduation time is always a proud moment for the parents of graduates, nay, a shared moment of fulfillment for both the graduates and their parents.

Watching the graduation rites of the Philippine Military Academy, particularly the cadets marching in unison and in a very orderly, disciplined and dignified way, is an awesome sight and is especially uplifting for the parents, or even just for the spectators.

President Aquino’s message to cadets “to live the Honor Code” outside of the academy is a challenge. He said PMA grads should not allow themselves to be used as tools of abuse and violence.

Many of our leaders in the Armed Forces of the Philippines come from the academy and are doing an excellent job in their present posts. We are sure the new graduates will follow in their shoes.

As we congratulate the new graduates, parents and their families, we also congratulate the PMA for producing future leaders, heroes and protectors of the people.

Life in the academy is not an easy one—not for the cadets, or for their mentors and professors who are tasked to mold their character and hone their skills in soldiery. As we see it, the PMA continues to carry its prestigious name and to inspire young men and women to pursue a life of service to their nation.