PH should be wary of China and US

I understand the strategic position of the Philippines in Southeast Asia. I also understand that China is by far the most powerful force in the region. It doesn’t take a genius to know that. As an American homeowner in the Philippines, I take great interest in Philippine politics, economics and foreign policy. I strongly urge the Aquino administration to be wary of confronting China over the Spratly Islands. The Philippines does not have the military resources to persevere in such an adventure. Regardless of how much oil might be in the Spratlys, it’s not enough to risk national existence.

I do not think it is wise to trust the word of the American ambassador when he said, “The United States (is) with the Philippines.” The ambassador only stated what US President Barack Obama thinks Filipinos want to hear.

As an American, whose job is in America and heart is in the Philippines, President Aquino must understand that President Obama, whether it pertains to domestic or foreign policy, talks the talk, but rarely walks the walk. Obama’s foreign debt to China would force the United States to remain neutral in a Spratlys dispute. My advice to the Philippines is to be extremely wary of Obama and his promises.