‘If we find the truth, we find Jonas too’

May the radiance of God’s peace fill the hearts of all.

Assured of this peace from our generous God, we continue our search for my son Jonas Burgos.

For more than six years, we have persevered in engaging government institutions, praying that our persistence and tenacity would finally lead us to the truth about what happened to my son. We believe that if we find the truth we will also find Jonas.

While the encounters with the military and police forces, the justice system and the executive branch of government have been, in most instances, not only difficult but distressing, discouraging and heartbreaking, we have, by God’s grace, been given the strength to continue the journey the family has pledged to take until we recover Jonas.

One source of strength is the support we have received from the media. Along with some newspapers and online news channels, the Inquirer, through its news articles, opinions of columnists (especially the columns of Conrado de Quiros) and its editorials on Jonas, have provided a much-hungered-for reassurance that we are not alone.

True to its name, the “Daily Inquirer” has taken every opportunity, every news break, every opening to “inquire” about the truth of Jonas’ enforced disappearance. The most recent editorial last Oct. 26, “Breakthrough,” could not have been published at a more fitting time.  Reeling from the devastation wrought by Typhoon “Santi” on the farm so loved by my husband Joe and Jonas, reading the editorial was a special blessing for me and my children. It was as if at the moment when our defenses were weakened, a force stood by us, to forewarn the adversary that they should “not dare…” because they are being watched.

As I mark Oct. 30, the 185th day of the seventh year of the search for Jonas, I commend the Inquirer, its editors, columnists and the staff to the care of the Lord. May He keep them safe always. May He reward them richly. And may He grant them more opportunities to reveal the truth.

May the Blessed Mother Mary keep the entire Inquirer family in her care.

In behalf of my family, maraming  salamat  po  sa  inyong  lahat.


