Come Holy Spirit

The story is told about a father who asked his nervous little boy: “What’s wrong, son?”

“I left my bike outside our gate,” was the little boy’s answer.

“Don’t worry, the Holy Spirit will look after your bike. Now, lead us in our prayer before our meal.”

And the little boy started: “In the name of the Father and of the Son. Amen.”

“Where’s the Holy Spirit?” asked the father. “Looking after my bike,” was the little boy’s reply!

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Today is the Solemnity of Pentecost. In today’s Gospel (John 20, 19-23), the Risen Lord breathes on the disciples and says to them: “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus did not leave us as orphans. He gave us the Holy Spirit to look after us, and to be with us till the end of age.

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Prior to Pentecost, the disciples were filled with distress. Their doors were locked for fear of the Jews. When they encountered the Risen Lord, the disciples were filled with joy. But when they received the Holy Spirit, they were filled with courage, and were empowered with a clear vision and a strong sense of mission.

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As long as we live in the flesh, we live in a very insecure, fearful and incomplete world. But if we live in the Spirit, we live in freedom and boldness, precisely because we no longer rely on our own strength and resources. Something good, something beautiful, something meaningful happens when a person finally learns to let go and to let God.

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Let us pray for a new Pentecost in our country! May we have leaders who have wider vision and stronger sense of mission! May we have leaders filled with the Pentecost paradigm of “What is good for the country,” instead of the mediocre paradigm that is focused only on “What is good for me, for my family, for my party.”

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Let us also pray for a new Pentecost in the Church. May we have leaders who go beyond, rituals, laws, doctrines and administration, and point to us new ways and means to experience the Lord in the realities of our present day and time. Too focused on the structures, we often forget the spirit. Too focused on the law, we often forget the reason of the law.

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We need more and more the spirit of St. Francis, and the fidelity of St. Padre Pio to touch the hearts of our people. These Spirit-led saints were simple men who allowed themselves to be used by the Holy Spirit. Often, God uses not so much the wise and the learned to carry out His plans. Often, God has a hard time using people who think big, and who think of themselves big.

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“Come Holy Spirit!” is a beautiful and powerful prayer which helps us experience a personal Pentecost especially when we encounter doubts, fears, temptations and indecisions of any sort. With this prayer, we open our hearts and minds instantly to God’s presence and power. Pray this prayer now.

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“Come Holy Spirit upon (name of person).” This is also a powerful prayer as we invoke God’s power and presence upon other people, especially upon those who need guidance and protection. Yes, the Holy Spirit is ever present, and ever watching. Invoke the Holy Spirit upon any person you want to blessed, healed, or enlightened right now.

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Today, we celebrate the “birthday” of Mother Church. She is still alive after all these years filled with blessings though burdened with problems. There have been dark and shadowy moments, but there have been blessed and bright moments as well. May she continue to become a better and a more relevant Church. This happens insofar as we all do our part, and do not remove the Holy Spirit from the picture.

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Today, we also celebrate our “birthday” as a nation. It has been 113 years since we became independent. There have been, and there still are many problems that beset us as a nation. We affirm that we have many blessings as a people and as a nation. But, truth to tell, we have not been blessed with good and able leaders through the years. Wanted: Leaders who are willing to sacrifice for the good of the nation.

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Birthdays remind us of the reason why we were born. In other words, birthdays remind us of our mission. We are still alive because we still have a mission in life. The Church must continue to do her mission, and our nation too must do the same. Take note that a mission, whatever it may be, connotes a higher authority that gave it, and a self-effacing attitude for those who carry it out. May we all become missionaries who know how to listen, and obey, and not be self-serving.

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Here is a beautiful prayer I want to share with you: Lord, there are many things I cannot explain nor understand, but, Thy will be done! I know that you love me, and you have a plan. I trust in your perfect timing and wisdom. I believe that in time, you will surprise me again. Amen!

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A moment with the Lord:

Come Holy Spirit, we need you! Stay with us and be with us in our journey. Amen.