POC’s wonderful service

I WOULD like to thank Ceres Doyo for her very enlightening column on the Philippine Orthopedic Center’s (POC) impending privatization. (Opinion, 6/27/13).

Let me just share my little experience with this institution. Five or six years ago, I brought my son to be treated at the POC. And I was amazed—“stunned” probably is a better word for it—as I saw how the employees were most helpful, efficient and friendly—and there weren’t any hanky-panky fixers in the corridor. They treated my son with care and I was surprised at their “unbelievable” medical costs.

I have long wanted to write an article about that pleasant episode and I would like to add my voice to that of the many people and families who have been recipients of POC’s wonderful service.

Not all privatization schemes work. Perhaps in the case of the POC, satellite POCs can be established in key cities of the country (say 200 kilometers from Metro Manila at least) using the same system, and enforcing the same work ethic.


producer/host of “Bravo Filipino,”

dzFE 98.7 FM,
