Fast facts

Land area: Estimates range from 445 sq km to 510 sq km, making Sibuyan the second largest island of Romblon province

Municipalities: Magdiwang, Cajidiocan and San Fernando

Highest point: Mt. Guiting-Guiting (2,058 m)

Population: 56,541

(est. as of Aug. 1, 2007)

Main industries: Farming, fishing and forestry

Natural wonders:-Forest cover: 60 percent of the island. Twenty-six percent is old growth, which has one of the world’s densest forest covers—1,551 trees per hectare comprising 123 species of which 54 are endemic.

– Biodiversity: The island is home to 700 vascular plant species, including 54 endemic to the island and 180 endemic to the Philippine archipelago. It is also home to 130 bird species, and a long list of rare and endangered mammals and reptiles, some of which can only be found on the island.

Mining: A total of 20,205.58 hectares were covered by mineral production-sharing agreements, and MPSA and exploration applications as of December 2010.

On Oct. 3, 2007, Armin Marin, a town councilor and father of five, was shot dead while leading a protest against a nickel exploration project. He was shot by Mario Kingo, chief of the security team of Sibuyan Nickel Properties Development Corp.

Compiled by Marielle Medina, Inquirer Research, and Kristine Alave

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