Uplifting summary

This refers to Prof. Asuncion Maramba’s commentary titled “Time to revisit Vatican II” (Inquirer, 11/26/12). After feeling depressed over the prognosis for the reproductive health bill, seemingly, in part, because of the fear of clericalism, I was uplifted by her succinct summary of Vatican II. Although the council’s thrust has been temporarily blunted, there is, as she says, a scope for hope. I enjoyed the quote from John XXIII about “inches of condemnation.” I have not read that before.

Just one small correction. Edward Schillebeeckx, OP, was not a peritus (Latin for expert) but an advisor to the Dutch bishops in attendance. It’s a common error and can even be found in some authoritative books.—FR. DENNIS ROCHFORD, MSC, Kensington, NSW, 2033
