‘Mobile Police’

When a series of unfortunate experiences begins to haunt my dreams, I presume that my subconscious is taking it seriously—and really, paranoia is not healthy. It has started to affect my lifestyle, my plans, and, well, whatever is left of my social life.

Two of my officemates recently experienced being held up. One lost almost P80,000 worth of belongings, and the other witnessed one, which happened inside a passenger jeepney.

The two incidents happened in a week. I observed that it caused silent hysteria in the workplace. People were making prearrangements with some colleagues to walk together to the station or terminal after work. Some girls, ever smart, asked “goon”-looking boys to walk them to a safe spot, and then just took it from there.

So much for police security.

Now how do we resolve crimes like a holdup with the technology that we have? What can CCTVs do when stick-ups happen in dark alleys of the city, or under a bridge, or on foot bridges even?

Call me insane for saying this, but I have been thinking of “ways” to help prevent such crimes. I think maybe one of the most effective solutions to this problem can be found in our mobile phones.

The ratio of police to population has been low for the longest time. Based on a 2011 report, the ratio is 1:817. However, it’s said that 91.5 percent of Filipinos have mobile phones. There must be something there, right?

I’m not talking about setting an emergency number on speed dial and pressing it while being mugged. That’s too dangerous: It can leave the victims lifeless the minute they press CALL.

I’m dreaming of a brilliant solution. How about…“Mobile Police”? It’s the ultimate step to raise the police-to-population ratio.

Imagine an officer on every hand phone. The application may be activated while on the road driving or commuting. He’s like Siri but with purpose. This officer can refer you to the nearest station as you go, detected by GPS. If something unfortunate happens, everything audible is recorded and real-life officers will be alerted.

I don’t know how to do it, or if this can actually happen in real life. I just had to throw it to the world so at least it won’t blame me for not making any contribution to change things. (Kidding!) Really, I am just a girl who feels sorry for those who lost the fruits of their hard-earned labor to the greed and selfishness of others.

I hope tonight I dream of happy sequences again….

Brendalyn P. Ramirez, 27, is a digital account manager at TBWA/Santiago Mangada Puno.