The dynasty question

In a letter published in the Inquirer issue of Oct. 1, 1994 (“What is a dynasty?”), my wife, Trinidad E. Peteza, quoted the definition given by Websters’ New School and Office Dictionary: “a line or succession of sovereigns from the same family; or the period of time during which a particular family rules.” But the Commission on Elections defines dynasty as “a situation where persons related to each within the third civil degree of consanguinity or affinity hold elective office simultaneously or some offices successively in a region, legislative district, province, city or municipality” (Inquirer, 8/13/94).

However, in the article titled “Is Pacman building a dynasty?” (Inquirer, 10/2/12), the candidacies of reelectionist Representative Manny Pacquiao of the lone district of Saranggani, wife Jinkee for vice governor in the same province and brother Rogelio against Rep. Pedro Acharon Jr. cannot be said to be an attempt to build what Webster’s New World Dictionary defines as a dynasty. In like manner, the Angaras, the Cayetanos and the Marcoses who are in elective government positions at the same time do not fall under the definition of dynasties.—GODOFREDO O. PETEZA SR., Barangay Camambugan, Daet, Camarines Norte