A ‘calamity’ at ICC waiting to strike

I HAVE been watching the impeachment proceedings since Day One and I am so ashamed and disgusted at the way Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago treats and insults with so much arrogance the prosecutors, who are our congressmen and her colleagues in the legislature.

There is no justification in her behavior (even if they make errors). I expected to see gentlemen and ladies in our senators—not rude, insolent, overbearing senators! It is such a pain to see Santiago so condescending and so arrogant in her questioning. Why does she behave so high and mighty—she is supposed to represent the people and not feel superior to anyone. Our congressmen deserve everyone’s respect as much as she would like herself to be respected. There is no justification in her not treating them with courtesy.

If Senator Santiago is going to be in the International Criminal Court (ICC), what a terrible thing for our country if she behaves the way she does before the world. If the world sees her in the video of the impeachment proceedings, I wonder what the ICC members will have to say of her. What a calamity for us Filipinos!


San Miguel Village, Makati City