‘Kairos opportunity’ to bear witness for Christian values
We believe that the tension among the executive, judicial and legislative branches of our government, caused by the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato C. Corona, is a positive and healthy development that will lead to a more mature political system in our country; and as a necessary test to strengthen, or to regain, the confidence of the Filipino people in our justice system. When a people can genuinely rely on the integrity of its justice system, there is great hope for lasting peace. Justice brings peace.
We are saddened though by some statements, made by Christian leaders at that, that border on character assassination.
Members of the Body of Christ ought to actively participate in the discussions, but we do not have to be “at war” against each other. It is healthy to have differing opinions as we seek to discern the truth as a people. This, however, should not divide us into adversarial parties within the Body of Christ. We must set an example to those outside the Church—that we can express differing views yet maintain our mutual respect for and love with one another.
Let us resist the temptation to demonize our leaders—whether they are from the Executive, Judiciary or Legislative—with whom we strongly disagree. Let us resist the temptation to dehumanize our sisters and brothers who support the parties and personalities we strongly dislike.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are instructed “to speak the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15) and to let our conversation be “always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” (Col. 4:5-7).
We call on the Body of Jesus Christ to pray and fast as we go through these growing pains as a nation. Let us pray that Christian believers, especially those in leadership position would:
• Lead and exhort the people in their spheres of influence to express their opinions based on truth while communicating those truths with an attitude of love;
• Express their views against the actions of certain persons—like Chief Justice Corona or President Aquino—and yet treat those persons with dignity and respect because they are human beings created in the image of God;
• Express their views against the actions of certain persons without passing judgment against those persons, remembering that one is “presumed innocent unless otherwise proven guilty”; and,
• Express their genuine concern for our country by continually praying for “all those in authority” (1 Tim. 2:1-4) even if we disagree with them.
May we serve God together, out of love as One Body.
May we take these current events as a kairos opportunity to become effective witnesses of our gentle Savior, Jesus Christ.
May we communicate the beauty of the Prince of Peace as we express our differing convictions and opinions—being salt and light—among our beautiful people in this awesome land.
May the creativity of the Creator, the peace of the Christ, and the energy of the Comforter embrace our whole being.