I beg to disagree with the pundits who say that by supporting the impeachment of Chief Justice Renato Corona, President Aquino is weakening or even destroying the Supreme Court. Corona is not the Supreme Court and so any case filed against him should not be taken as an affront to this co-equal branch of government.
Let us remember that the sins of Corona that will now be tried by the Senate are his own and are not the sins of the Supreme Court as an institution. Instead of weakening the Court, Aquino and his allies in the House of Representatives who impeached Corona are actually helping rebuild the credibility and strengthen the Court by ensuring that its magistrates will continue to place truth, justice and public accountability over and above anyone’s interests.
Clearly, the spin doctors of Corona and his allies are trying to sow division between Malacañang and our judicial bodies. They are also trying to gain public sympathy by saying that it is the institution of the Court and not just Corona that our President is attacking. I hope the public knows better than to believe this. The impeachment trial will give Corona his chance to defend himself and this just goes to show that contrary to what the critics of the President have said, democracy is alive and well in our country.
lead convenor,
Kaya Natin! Movement
for Good Governance
and Ethical Leadership,