Tulfo off-target in defending Arroyo’s gofer
Ramon Tulfo is off-target once again. In his Dec. 13 column, “Does P-Noy get advice from his Cabinet,” Tulfo castigates the respondents in the latest survey that shows President Aquino still has high ratings, with these caustic remarks: “Oh well, they (the people) chose people like them (P-Noy) for high elective positions.”
Tulfo sees everything wrong with P-Noy’s very public, in-your-face dressing-down of Chief Justice Renato Corona in the recent First National Criminal Justice Summit, but is inexplicably quiet on what prompted the presidential diatribe in the first place: Corona has been protecting former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo from facing charges of plunder, electoral sabotage and human rights violations because he’s as thick as thieves with her, having been her subservient subaltern and loyal gofer since she was vice president and later president.
Now that she is under hospital arrest for electoral sabotage and Corona has the means and the motive to set her free, P-Noy was well within his right and mandate to take him to task and remind him in no uncertain terms to adhere to the Constitution and the rule of law. For truth to tell, Corona has thrown due process and impartial justice out of the window the moment he stepped into the chambers of the Supreme Court and he knows only one thing: to protect Arroyo, his benefactor and partner in crime, by any means necessary, fair or foul. But mostly foul.
Erap Estrada was right: our judicial system is infested with many “hoodlums in robes.”
I don’t think Tulfo is the best person to lecture us on good manners and right conduct. His credibility is shot full of holes, and he knows it, except that his misplaced arrogance gets the better of him every time.