Garbage collectors should be given sanitary gloves

The residents of Teresa Heights in Novaliches appreciate the regular visits of a better-looking garbage truck, one that is much better than the old, dilapidated garbage truck of yesteryears. Given the large tarpaulin bearing the face of the handsome mayor, the truck is apparently a “Thank You, Mayor Bistek Bautista” thing—“epal” or not.

The truck is led by a woman who walks ahead of the truck to alert residents so that they can start bringing out their trash. The leader and her men swear to pick up only properly assorted and bagged trash along its route.

I say that, on the whole, it is an organized scheme of garbage collection—except for one thing: none of the garbage collectors are wearing sanitary rubber gloves. I consider this ironic because while the city wants residents to practice safe hygiene and proper garbage disposal methods, its garbage men do not practice proper sanitation and hygiene in garbage collection. The money being spent on the tarpaulins showing Mayor Bautista’s face could very well be used to purchase hand gloves.


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