A cry for leaders who are role models, not bad examples

The 2025 election looms on the horizon, and already this year, political conflicts are beginning to surface. The disrespectful behavior exhibited by some of our political leaders sets a negative example for our children. How can we expect our youth to cultivate leadership qualities when constantly exposed to such detrimental role models? How can we entrust them with the future of our nation when positive influences, particularly among our elected officials, are lacking?

In today’s society, our children are constantly exposed to the actions and words of some political leaders through various media channels. When these leaders engage in disrespectful behavior toward one another, it sends a harmful message to our youth. Our children look up to these figures as role models, and when they witness negative interactions among them, it can shape their attitudes and behaviors. This can have long-lasting effects on how they perceive leadership and authority figures in the future.

A study by the American Psychological Association found that children exposed to aggressive and disrespectful behavior in the media were more likely to exhibit similar behavior. This highlights the importance of having positive and respectful role models in positions of power, such as political leaders. When children are exposed to leaders who demonstrate humility, respect, and responsibility, they are more likely to internalize these qualities and incorporate them into their lives.

In a nation divided by political strife, we as parents yearn for leaders who can instill in our children qualities including confidence, humility, responsibility, trustworthiness, respect, ethics, and faith. We envision our children embodying these virtues as they mature into adulthood.

We play a crucial role in shaping our children’s moral compass but we also look to political leaders to reinforce these values on a larger scale. When politicians embody these virtues and lead by example, it sends a powerful message to our children about the importance of integrity and ethical behavior. This helps create a more harmonious and respectful society guided by honesty and compassion.

Regrettably, genuine leaders appear to be scarce. What we truly need are leaders who can serve as beacons of strength for our children, exemplars of morality, advocates for the vulnerable and marginalized, and unafraid to acknowledge their faults.

As concerned parents, let us equip our children for the challenges that lie ahead by demanding that our political leaders lead lives of virtue and uphold the principles of authentic leadership. We as parents have a vital role in shaping the next generation of leaders by instilling in our children the values of honesty, respect, and empathy. However, we cannot do this alone; we need the support and guidance of political leaders who share these same values. By working together, we parents and leaders can create a more positive and inclusive society where individuals are empowered to make ethical decisions and act with integrity.


Marikina City