Present, Lord!

The story is told about a couple who were having wine over dinner. The husband whispered: “I am happy you are with me. I don’t know how I can live without you.” The wife said: “Is that you talking, or is it the wine that is talking in you?” Whereupon, the husband responded: “Yes, it is me talking, and it is the wine I am talking to.”


Today is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Today, we honor and affirm our belief in the real presence of our Lord in the Eucharist and in the Most Blessed Sacrament. The Eucharist helps us to live happy and meaningful lives. Yes, the Lord is with us always, and in all ways. Today, let us fervently sing: “O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment thine.”


In today’s Gospel (Mark 14:12-16, 22-26), we are reminded that the Eucharist is the total “self-giving” of our Lord Jesus Christ at the last supper, when He broke the bread and gave it to His disciples saying: “Take it; this is my body.” Likewise, when He gave the wine to them saying: “This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many.” The Eucharist is all about love, truly and fully given unto us, unworthy servants. Today, let us humbly sing: “Sweet Sacrament, we thee adore. Oh, make us love thee more and more. Oh, make us love thee more and more!”


Our love for the Eucharist should not just be devotional. It should be personal, and real. The Lord is always present to us; are we present to Him?


SUNDAY MASS. There are 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week, which adds up to 168 hours in a week. The Lord asks us to be with Him every Sunday, to be with Him for an hour, and often, we do not give Him that. Oh sure, we have so many reasons why we don’t go and if we go, often it is just out of obligation. May we learn to do it more as an expression of our personal love and gratitude to Him, our Creator, our Lord, and Master. Every Sunday, go to church and say “Present, Lord!”


Early on, I learned from Mama to value the Sunday Mass. Wanting to play and watch TV, I told Mama I was not going to Mass, but instead, I would just pray three rosaries at home. Mama’s response was clear and simple: “Jerry, not even a hundred rosaries or more can equal the value of one Mass.” Let us think of every Mass as our first, our only, and our final Mass.


The pandemic has brought out the value of online Masses, but we are reminded, that for able people, actual Sunday Mass is still required, but not to belittle the “nourishment” anyone of us can get from virtual Masses and prayers. (I do the 11 a.m. actual and online Mass in the Shrine of the Divine Word in Christ the King Mission Seminary, Quezon City every Sunday.)


VISIT TO THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. Try to drop by the church or chapel and say “Hi” to the Lord, and you will experience a “pause” that refreshes your busy day. Going the “extra mile” for the Lord can give you the “extra smile”!


HOLY HOUR. The Lord asks us: “Can you not just spend an hour with me?” Being exposed to the Most Blessed Sacrament gives us so much peace, love, joy, and strength.


EUCHARISTIC CARRIER. Let us be carriers of the Eucharistic Lord in our daily lives. Let us carry and spread joy, peace, kindness, hope, compassion, and love every day, wherever we go, whatever we do.


A moment with the Lord.

Lord, be present with us, and help us to represent You, wherever we go. Amen.
