Come Holy Spirit

In our recent pilgrimage, we had an octogenarian pilgrim who was hard of walking. Often he would be left behind, or would not go down the bus, and missed a lot of activities. I bought him a simple cane. At first, he was reluctant to use it, but soon, he tried it, and he liked it! And we all liked it, too, because we saw him happy and strong, joining us in our activities, smiling at everyone as we went along. A Pentecost moment!


Happy Pentecost! We have a precious gift given to us to help us, uplift us, comfort us, and accompany us in our journey through life. May we be open to the Holy Spirit. May we not refuse the Holy Spirit. May we live lives empowered by the Holy Spirit!


In today’s Gospel (John 20:19-23), we hear how the fearful disciples were set free by the presence of Jesus. “Peace be with you!” was his greeting to them. Let this, too, be His greeting unto us right now as we go through any form of fear, sorrow, discouragement, or pain. The gift is ours for the taking, freely, and willingly given. This moment now, pray: “Come Holy Spirit I need you. Come Holy Spirit I love you!”


I am not “techy,” and for many years, I relied on my old-fashioned ways of going to my destination, like writing down the address, asking people how to get there, guessing which way would be easier, etc., until I found out that there are apps in the smartphone which could show the way, fast and easy. Very handy! Same with the Holy Spirit. If we have Him in our hearts, we can navigate through the ups and downs of our earthly journey with peaceful hearts. Very hearty!


It is interesting to note that Pentecost happened when the disciples who were scattered and divided came together as one, behind closed doors, with open hearts to each other. It was the openness of hearts that led them to experience and accept the presence of the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit we need you!


It was the Blessed Mother who must have reminded the disciples to regroup, and brought them together. It is the Blessed Mother who constantly and unceasingly points us to her Son, and to be open to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Mama Mary, Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for us!


It is when we are silent and still that the Holy Spirit comes down upon us. Prayer opens us up to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit cannot “land” upon us when we are overthinking, over-fighting, and over-hurting. “Take over, oh Holy Spirit!” This prayer is powerful. In humility, ask the Holy Spirit to take over and take charge, and you will experience power, freedom, and peace.


I am writing this column in Medjugorje. What a refreshing moment just to be quiet and still before the Lord, especially in the evening Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament, under the trees and God’s heaven above. Yes, may we have more moments with the Holy Spirit to remind us again of what is really important in our journey through life. Please don’t forget: Use the “cane” when the journey becomes labored and hard.


If only we listened more to the Holy Spirit, and less to human opinion and wisdom, and worldly chatter! Amidst the noise and the haste of this world, may we find peace in God’s presence and hold on to His word. Amen.


A moment with the Lord.Come Holy Spirit, come! Amen.
