Why not repurpose public golf courses into urban parks?

This is a rejoinder to the editorial “Need for mini Luneta parks,” (1/7/24).

Metro Manila, the densely populated hub of the Philippines, grapples with a crucial dilemma: the demand for additional green spaces in the face of rapid urbanization. As the city expands, the scarcity of recreational areas and open spaces becomes more apparent. In response, an innovative and sustainable solution emerges—the proposal to repurpose the public golf courses in Metro Manila into urban parks.

The shortage of green spaces in the city contributes to issues such as overcrowding, traffic congestion, and heightened stress levels among residents. Converting portions of the public golf courses—Intramuros, Navy Golf, Veterans Memorial, and Villamor—into urban parks offers a promising remedy to these urban challenges.

Metro Manila can gain substantial expanses of public parkland by reallocating a quarter of the space from each golf course. This initiative has extensive benefits, providing vital relaxation, exercise, and community engagement opportunities. Urban parks serve as venues for picnics, outdoor activities, and social gatherings while contributing to improved air quality, mitigating urban heat island effects, and supporting local biodiversity.

Furthermore, repurposing these golf courses fosters social equity. Although technically open to the public, golf courses often cater to a specific demographic and can be financially inaccessible for many residents. Transforming portions of these spaces into public parks ensures accessibility for everyone, promoting inclusivity and extending the benefits of green spaces across a broader spectrum of society.

Addressing environmental concerns in Metro Manila, such as air pollution and rising temperatures, is another significant advantage of creating more urban parks. Trees and vegetation act as natural filters, absorbing pollutants, reducing noise, and providing essential shade, enhancing the city’s environmental quality.

However, repurposing golf courses into urban parks comes with its challenges. Some golf enthusiasts may resist the change, fearing reduced access to these facilities. Therefore, careful planning and community engagement are essential to ensure that the transformed spaces effectively meet Metro Manila’s residents’ diverse recreational and leisure needs. This proposal signifies an opportunity for Metro Manila to embrace a greener future, offering fresh air amid its urban hustle and bustle.

Faustino Jerome Babate