Better governance tops 2024 wish list

As we bid goodbye to 2023, the Year of the Rabbit based on Chinese astrology, we welcome anew the Year of the Wood Dragon come Feb. 10. Evolution, improvement, and abundance are said to be characteristics of the wood dragon. “[A] time for rejuvenated beginning and setting the foundation of long-term success.” Borrowing from these concepts, as a Filipino in this wonderful country of 7,641 islands, I am optimistic about an evolution of the condition of our nation. Evolution toward better governance and transparency particularly on the utilization of public funds or taxpayer money. Evolution toward better quality of public officials, whether elected or appointed, who will truly serve the interest of the Filipino community and not their own interest in the name of public service. From the improvement feature of the Year of the Wood Dragon, I am hopeful that there will be improvement in the following aspects: (1) state of public transportation; (2) state of the agriculture sector focusing on enrichment of local agriculture and not enrichment of importers; (3) quality of education, producing world-class graduates or at least, literate graduates; (4) treatment of health-care workers as they have yet to receive much-delayed COVID-19 related dues/benefits; (5) improvement as better individuals of this nation.

As for the abundance aspect, may our national budget for 2024, pegged at P5.768 trillion translate, with fingers and toes crossed, to an abundance of investments that will create more jobs, an abundance of less corrupt practices, an abundance of Filipinos who eat three times a day, a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs, an abundance of nationalism and, lastly, an abundance of prayers for all these things to manifest.

“[A] time for rejuvenated beginning” with less politicking and bickering and more hard work for a peach fuzz 366 days ahead.

Happy New Year to all!

Pamela I. Claveria, MD